Thursday, January 12, 2012

Preparing for 2012!

As we wrapped up the 2011 season a stretch of mild weather allowed us to continue making improvements for the 2012 season.  Our annual "fall project" list was full of opportunities to improve many areas of the golf course, most importantly, drainage and irrigation. 

Drainage projects should be evaluated every year to make improvements and move water to desired areas.  One concern for us is to allow for water to drain properly off of our cart paths, as standing water can deteriorate asphalt over time as well as cause "wash-out" areas on gravel paths.  Driving off from #1 green towards hole #2 our cart path tends to hold water after heavy rains.  We have recently dug up the existing drainage along the path to add additional catch basins.  The tile was set to grade with a transit and installed back into the ground.  The main run of tile was also checked for accuracy to make sure water was leaving the course properly.  The existing cart path in this area has settled over time and we are expecting to repair this area, along with some other deteriorating cart paths in May (depending on weather).

The cart path along #3 tee has also settled and is scheduled to be repaired in May.  Currently we have stripped the sod along the path to allow for water to reach our drainage that was installed a few years back.  Once the repairs are made and we have proper flow from the path we will then move the sod back to its original location.  Other cart paths are being looked into for repair as well, but these two areas are currently holding the most water and are in most need of repair.

Another area where drainage will be added includes the rough near #2 fairway bunker (this should help with the front of the bunker washing out). The huge wash out, roughly 12 ft. deep, left of #4 fairway in the native has been repaired already as well as the broken drain tile at the bottom of the hole. 

Bunker drainage is another area that needs maintained and checked on an annual basis.  Holes #7, #11, and #14 all had bunkers with drainage issues.  These have all been repaired and are now working properly.  Here are some pics of both broken and plugged drainage tiles from these bunkers.

Another drainage issue we face can be found to the right of #15 approach.  There is an old field tile that is broken and water is backed up.  This old tile will be repaired and connected to our existing perforated tile this spring.

Many irrigation improvements have been made already as well as we repaired various leaks/broken valves on holes #1, 3, 8, 10, and 14.  Other irrigation improvements include the raising of quick cupplers (where we connect our hoses for hand watering greens) on holes #11, 12, and 15.  This will improve both playability and our quality of cut with our mowers arounds these "low areas".   Our entryway irrigation leak was also repaired and now operating properly.

We are also looking to add an irrigation line including three irrigation heads next to the cart path on the right side of #4 approach.  This will allow for the right half of the approach along with the rough between the approach and path to recieve irrigation.  Currently there are no irrigation heads that irrigate these areas and during the heat of the summer you will find roller basins being used to irrigate the dry turf.  Once installed we will not have to drag out multiple hoses and roller basins to cover these areas and interrupt play.

Sod was installed along some bunker faces this fall and they include the fairway bunker on #6 as well as greenside bunkers on #7 and #9.  Here are some before and after pictures of #6 followed by a picture of the sand buildup in the turf on #7.

 Notice that the plywood will help to keep the sod in place until it has knitted down and will also keep soil  under the sod from washing out.  These boards will be removed next spring to allow for normal play out of these bunkers.

This buildup of sand is normal, due to regular play and wind blowing the sand out of the bunkers  If left go these areas are prone to drying out during the summer due to the lack of water holding capacity and in futures years crabgrass usually will begin to take over the weakened turf.  Every year we try to repair three to four bunkers to keep up with these issues. 

Our winter work is in full swing as we have started the service and maintenance on our fleet of equipment.  This is the time of year to sharpen/grind reels and bedknives so that when spring arrives we can be prepared and ready to go.  

We hope everyone had a great holiday season and look forward to a great 2012 season!

Stone Ridge Maintenance Staff

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